Moonlighting 2023 is Here!
After your work is done, does your other artistic side come out?We want to see it!
For the ninth consecutive year the DLFNY, IALDNY and IESNYC are collaborating on featuring the artistic side of people in the NYC lighting industry and friends from allied fields. Artists will be selected based on talent and role in the NYC lighting community.
If you are interested in displaying your art, please complete the online application with a sample of your art by August 25th. Displayed artists and their works will be featured online at
For Sponsorship Opportunities or if you have any questions, email: [email protected]
Thank You!Moonlighting 2023 Organizers:
DLFNYJesse Coletta, Illuminico Francesca Bastianini, Sighte Studio
IALDNYMonica Llamas, Map Design StudioHamilton Guillén, Tirschwell & Co., Inc.
IESNYCNathalie Faubert, CBBLDRandy Sabedra, RS Ltg Design
Artist Deadline: August 25thEvent: September 6th
5 Penn PlazaAcuity Brands Center for Light & Space