Feature Your Project in an Upcoming DLFNY Program

by | Jul 16, 2024 | News

DLFNY events

The Designers Lighting Forum of New York (DLFNY) is dedicated to bringing exciting educational activities to the design community and supporting lighting education for professionals and students. As a not-for-profit organization, DLFNY explores the power of lighting design through educational programs and events that expose members to compelling lit environments across the New York City region.

In support of this mission, DLFNY is searching for design teams interested in sharing their work with the wider DLFNY member base. Many of DLFNY’s events take the form of nighttime walking tours or visits to lighted installations or performances. Past events include a night tour of Little Island, a weekend visit to Manitoga in the Hudson Valley, and a visit to the Drew Barrymore show with a backstage tour. For a full list of previous events, please visit the DLFNY website.

Design teams with ideas for inspiring projects to share with DLFNY are encouraged to reach out. Those interested can email programs@dlfny.org. DLFNY looks forward to collaborating with design teams to develop more inspiring programs for their growing membership.