Robert Bruce Thompson Student Light Fixture Design Competition 2024

by | May 24, 2024 | News

The Robert Bruce Thompson Annual Student Light Fixture Design Competition encourages creativity and education in light fixture design. Established by Bruce Thompson, a veteran in the lighting industry, the competition was administered by The Robert Bruce Thompson Trust. Specialty Lighting’s President, Nancy Stathes, with over 30 years of experience and numerous design patents, served as a judge for the event.

This year’s design challenge tasked students with creating a playful, non-intimidating light fixture for pediatric clinic waiting rooms. The fixture was required to provide adequate lighting for parents to read and fill out forms while being engaging for children. The designs needed to support a comfortable atmosphere, consider energy use, maintenance, and aim for a LEED Gold rating. The innovative student designs demonstrated tremendous talent and left observers excited about the future of lighting fixture design.

Click to learn more and view the 2024 winners