2025 IALD International Lighting Design Awards Now Open

by | Sep 10, 2024 | News, Uncategorized

2025 International Lighting Design Awards

The International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) has officially opened the call for entries for the 2025 IALD International Lighting Design Awards. Since its inception in 1983, these prestigious awards have set the standard for excellence in the lighting industry.

An IALD Award winning project not only advances the field but also challenges conventional norms, excelling in both aesthetics and technical design. Eligible projects must be completed after 1 January, 2023, and can be submitted by individual designers or firms. A panel of seven judges will conduct two rounds of evaluations, assessing submissions against a rigorous design rubric. Winners will be notified in January 2025, ahead of the awards ceremony, which will be held on 7 May at Lightfair 2025 in Las Vegas.

Upon reaching out to Andrea Hartranft, 2024-2025 IALD President, for a comment she said, “What makes the IALD Awards truly special is that for over four decades, it has joyfully celebrated the incredible achievements of the very profession this association proudly stands behind. It’s one thing to advocate for lighting designers, but when their extraordinary work shines through, it’s so exciting to honor these accomplishments in the grand style they deserve! Every year, our judges are blown away by the exceptional projects they review. And now, with the event returning as an in-person presentation gala, we get to congratulate these global talents face-to-face and feel the collective pride of this vibrant profession. I’m thrilled that the Call for Entries is already open for the 2025 IALD Awards, and I just know that this year’s winners will inspire even more outstanding submissions!”

Projects are due by 11 November 2024, with a late-entry deadline of 3 December 2024. 

Design teams can begin their applications now at https://iald.org/awardscall.

For more information and details on how to enter click here to visit the IALD website.