Displaying 121 - 130 of 816

 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL
2009Architectural LightingOutstanding Achievement - Whole BuildingElliott + Associates ArchitectsCar Park One
2004IESNYCLumen Feltman AwardFocus LightingCarlos Miele
2015IESNYCAward of ExcellenceKugler Ning Lighting Design + Jerry Kugler, Amber Moriarty, Erin GussertCarnegie Hall Façade Lighting
2009IESNYCAward of MeritFocus Lighting + Paul Gregory, Christine Hope, Michael Cummings, Jeff Shepherd, Catherine Tate, Dan NicholsCasino of the Winds at Mohegan Sun
2019Architectural LightingOutstanding Achievement - Exterior LightingSusanna Antico Lighting Design StudioCathedral of Our Lady and Its Surroundings
2017IALD AwardsAward of ExcellenceSoetinck L’Acte LumièreCathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg
2014IALD AwardsAward of MeritIzumi YayoshiCentennial Anniversary Hall
2020IESNYCAward of MeritCline Bettridge Bernstein Lighting DesignCenter for Health and Well-Being, Winter Parkstarchapter.com
2020IES Illumination AwardSpecial Citation for Enhancing a Strong Architectural FormFrancesca Bettridge, Michael Hennes, Sang Yup Lee, Jiyoung Lee, Monica Llamas — Cline Bettridge Bernstein Lighting Design; Duda/Paine ArchitectsCenter for Health and Wellbeingies.org
2019Architectural LightingCommendable Achievement - Exterior LightingMarcy Wong Donn Logan Lighting ArchitectsCenter Street Parking Garage
 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL