Displaying 191 - 200 of 816

 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL
2016IALD AwardsSpecial Citation for Social Involvement Expressed Through LightRamboll LightingThe Wall of Dreams
2017Architectural LightingCommendable Achievement - Interior LightingR/GA OfficeImpulse in Montreal
2020IALDAward of MeritPritchardPeck Lighting160 Spear Streetyoutube.com
1975IESNYCLumen AwardPoor and Swanke & PartnersBank Hapoalim B.M.
2019CANDELA MERIT AWARD RECIPIENTIllumination Award for Interior Lighting DesignPixelumen LabParallax Gap
2018IESNYCCitation for Art InstallationPHT Lighting Design + Peiheng Tsai and Mariana Basilio VerdejaWave/Cave
2014IESNYCCitation for Effective Lighting in a Compromised SpacePHT Lighting Design + Peiheng TsaiFriends Seminary Dining Hall
2018IESNYCCitation for Humanitarian ActionPhoScope + Nathalie RozotSolar Lighting in Martissant
2018IESNYCCitation for Humanitarian ActionPhoScope +George S. and Dolores Dore Eccies Theater
2014Architectural LightingCommendable Achievement - Interior LightingPfarré Lighting DesignWGV Casino and Old Guardhouse
 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL