Displaying 261 - 270 of 816

 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL
2019Architectural LightingCommendable Achievement - Exhibition Lighting and Temporary InstallationsErwin RedlWhiteout
2021IESNYC Lumen AwardCITATION FOR ARTISTIC MEDIA-DRIVEN INSTALLATIONESI Design, an NBBJ studioThe Prow at WarnerMedia HQiesnyc.org
2019IALD AwardsMerit AwardEXPThe Washington / Wabash Elevated Train Station
2019LIT Design AwardsLighting Designer of the YearFang FangMuseum of International Design of Chinalitawards.com
1975IESNYCLumen AwardFerguson Sorrentino Design Inc. + Earl Ferguson and Vincent SorrentinoJ. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation
1990IESNYCLumen AwardFisher Marantz + Paul Marantz and Bill ShermanRoyalton Hotel
2000IESNYCLumen CitationFisher Marantz Renfro Stone Inc. + Barry Citrin, Richard RenfroNew York Public Library
1993IESNYCLumen AwardFisher Marantz Renfro Stone Inc. + Charles Stone and Paul MarantzCafé Carnegie
1993IESNYCLumen AwardFisher Marantz Renfro Stone Inc. + Charles Stone and Scott Hershman100 East Pratt
1998IESNYCLumen AwardFisher Marantz Renfro Stone Inc. + Paul Marantz and Barry CitrinByzantine Fresco Chapel
 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL