Displaying 301 - 310 of 816

 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL
2021Red Dot 2021 Product Design awardRed Dot | Discipline: Product | Category: Lighting and lampsFluxwerxPortalfluxwerx.com
2021iF Product Design AwardiF Design Award 2021 | Discipline: Product | Category: Lighting and lampsFluxwerxPortalfluxwerx.com
2001IESNYCCitation with Special Recognition for Inventive Use of ColorJohnson Schwinghammer Lighting-DesignPod Restaurant
2011Architectural LightingSpecial CitationJason Bruges StudioPlatform 5 at Sunderland Station
2011Architectural LightingCommendable Achievement - Whole BuildingJohn E. Jaqua Academic Center for Student AthletesPlatform 5 at Sunderland Station
2019CANDELA MERIT AWARD RECIPIENTIllumination Award for Outdoor Lighting DesignFlux StudioPlanit
1992IESNYCLumen AwardEdward Mills & Associates + Ed MillsPinpoint Marketing
2014IESNYCCitation for Successful Design on a Minimal BudgetKaplan Gehring McCarroll Architectural Lighting + Martin van KoolbergenPink Dolphin
2005IESNYCAward of MeritCline Bettridge Bernstein Lighting DesignPier 1 Imports Headquarters
1999IESNYCAward of MeritH.M. Brandston & Partners + Chou Lien, Scott Matthews, and Jungsoo KimPetronas Twin Towers
 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL