Displaying 331 - 340 of 816

 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL
2017IALD AwardsSpecial CitationWONDERFULIGHTChapelle Corneille, Regional Auditorium of Normandy
2017IALD AwardsSpecial CitationArup1.8 by Janet Echelman
2017IALD AwardsAward of MeritSchuler ShookWintrust Financial Corporation
2017IALD AwardsAward of MeritBrandston Partnership Inc.U.S.A.F. Academy Center for Character + Leadership Development
2017IALD AwardsAward of MeritFisher Marantz StoneSmithsonian Institution National Museum of African American History and Culture
2017IALD AwardsAward of MeritFisher Marantz StoneSmithsonian Institution National Museum of African American History and Culture
2017IALD AwardsAward of MeritLighting Planners AssociatesNational Gallery Singapore
2017IALD AwardsAward of Meritiart agKunstmuseum Basel Light Frieze
2017IALD AwardsAward of MeritSpeirs + MajorGasholder Park
2017IALD AwardsAward of MeritElectrolightThe Farm Residence
 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL