Displaying 421 - 430 of 816

 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL
2013IESNYCAward of MeritCline Bettridge Bernstein Lighting Design + Francesca Bettridge, Michael Hennes, and Nathalie FaubertTorre Iberdrola
2013IESNYCAward of MeritCline Bettridge Bernstein Lighting Design + Francesca Bettridge, Michael Hennes, Nathalie Faubert, and Jiyoung LeeRichard B. Fisher Building - Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM)
2013IESNYCAward of MeritLighting Workshop + Steven EspinozaLogan
2013IESNYCAward of MeritArup Lighting + Brian Stacy, Chris Rush, and Rohit ManudhaneClyfford Still Museum
2013IESNYCCitation for the Use of Light to Transform ArchitectureCline Bettridge Bernstein Lighting Design + Francesca Bettridge, Michael Hennes, Sang Lee. Jeff Hoenig, and Nehal YoussefSt. Katharine Drexel Chapel, Xavier University of Louisiana
2013IESNYCCitation for the Complete Transformation of a Space through LightingReveal Design Group + Ken Ventry and Levia LewPark Hyatt
2014IESNYCAward of ExcellenceRenfro Design Group + Richard Renfro, Sarah Randall, Jennifer Bickford, Fabio Tuchiya, and Jennifer StaffordSteven L. Anderson Design Center and Vol Walker Hall Renovation
2014IESNYCAward of ExcellenceArup Lighting + Andrew Sedgwick, Brian Stacy, Molly McKnight, Matt Franks, Rohit Manudhane, Theresa MahoneyParrish Art Museum
2014IESNYCAward of MeritCline Bettridge Bernstein Lighting Design +Francesca Bettridge, Michael Hennes, Nira Wattanachote, and Glenn FujimuraBaldwin Auditorium Renovation at Duke University
2014IESNYCAward of MeritTillotson Design Associates + Suzan Tillotson, Ellen Sears, Mitul Parekh, and Kate NelsonYonkers Casino
 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL