Displaying 501 - 510 of 816

 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL
2019IESNYCCitation for Integrated Ceiling FeatureCline Bettridge Bernstein Lighting Design + Francesca Bettridge and Renata GalloTwin Brook Capital Partners Office
2019IESNYCCitation for Interactive FaçadeupLIGHT + Michael Stiller, Caroline Trewet, and Amanda Clegg LyonSensing Change
2019IESNYCCitation for Kinetic Façade TreatmentFocus Lighting + Paul Gregory, Brett Andersen, Christine Hope, Hilary Manners, and Kenneth SchutzOcean Wonders: Sharks! Exterior
2009Architectural LightingSpecial Citation for Public/Private PartnershipVitettaAvenue of the Arts
2009Architectural LightingSpecial Citation for the Clever Repurposing of LightingLighting Design AllianceS-Bar
2009Architectural LightingSpecial Citation for Achievement in Exhibition LightingGeorge Sexton AssociatesStar Spangled Banner Exhibit
2009Architectural LightingCommendable Achievement - Exterior LightingL'Observatoire InternationalNewtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant
2009Architectural LightingCommendable Achievement - Interior LightingGeorge Sexton AssociatesLumen United Reform Church and Community Center
2009Architectural LightingCommendable Achievement - Exterior LightingCline Bettridge Bernstein Lighting DesignTerminus 100
2009Architectural LightingCommendable Achievement - Whole BuildingCline Bettridge Bernstein Lighting DesignDuke Integrative Medicine
 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL