Displaying 581 - 590 of 816

 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL
1990IESNYCLumen AwardJerry Kugler Associates + Jerry KuglerSchneier Residence
2008IESNYCAward of ExcellenceTillotson Design Associates + Suzan Tillotson and Shiri CnaaniSchool of the American Ballet at Lincoln Center
2003IESNYCLumen Award 2003Cline Bettridge Bernstein Lighting DesignSchool of The International Center of Photography
2011IESNYCAward of ExcellenceFocus Lighting + Paul Gregory, JR Krauza, Joshua Spitzig, Dan Henry, and Kenneth SchutzScience Storms at the Museum of Science and Industry
2010Architectural LightingCommendable Achievement - Exhibit LightingFocus LightingScience Storms at the Museum of Science and Industry
2011IALD AwardsAward of MeritFocus LightingScience Storms at the Museum of Science and Industry
2019IALD AwardsMerit AwardKLSD | EFLA Lighting DesignScottish Parliament Debating Chamber
2001IESNYCLumen CitationAnn Kale AssociatesSea Grill Restaurant
1973IESNYCLumen AwardCorson, Lundin & ShawSeamen's Bank for Savings, Time & Life Building
1992IESNYCLumen AwardCline Bettridge Bernstein Lighting Design + Carroll ClineSeamen's Institute
 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL