Displaying 51 - 60 of 816

 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL
2020IALDAward of ExcellenceFisher Marantz StoneVancouver Waterfront Park Grant Street Pier and Plazayoutube.com
2018Grapevine Design AwardsAward of ExcellenceLiska ehfLAVA Centreliska.is
2020IES Illumination AwardAward of ExcellenceRichard Wang, Leehom Chen, Lisa Wei, Emily Xiu, Rodger Zheng Lu - ATL Lighting Design Shanghai CompanyConfucian Palace
2020IES Illumination AwardAward of ExcellenceKaoru Mende, Sunyoung Hwang, Yusuke Hattori, Mari Kubota, Phraporn Kasemtavornsilpa, Niken Wulandari, Shunichi Ikeda - Lighting Planners AssociatesJewel Changi Airporties.org
2020IES Illumination AwardAward of ExcellenceMax Pierson-Liénard — Minuscule Lighting Design; Johanna GrawunderSan Francisco International Airport Parking Garageies.org
2020IES Illumination AwardAward of ExcellenceSony Wang, Meng Chen, Pei Luo – Brandston PartnershipJinzunbao Experience Centeries.org
2020IES Illumination AwardAward of ExcellenceErin Held - Charter Sills & AssociatesChicago Union Station Great Hall Restorationies.org
2020IES Illumination AwardAward of ExcellenceAnna Sbokou, Katerina Plota, Matina Magklara - ASlightEuphoria Retreat - Spa Resorties.org
2004IESNYCAward of ExcellenceCooley Monato StudioAmore Pacific
2004IESNYCAward of ExcellenceBrandston Partnership Inc. & American Museum of Natural HistoryHall of Ocean Life, American Museum of Natural History
 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL