Displaying 601 - 610 of 816

 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL
2005IESNYCLumen CitationTillett Lighting Design Inc.Icepool
2005IESNYCLumen CitationFisher Marantz Stone Inc.Postcards - The Staten Island September 11th Memorial
2005IESNYCLumen CitationJohnson Schwinghammer Lighting Consultants Inc.Truelightpod
2005IESNYCLumen CitationCline Bettridge Bernstein Lighting DesignWilliam J. Clint Presidential Library Exhibit Lighting
2006IESNYCAward of MeritKester Inc. + Scott KesterFrisson
2006IESNYCAward of MeritTanteri + Associates + Matthew TanteriChanel Giza
2006IESNYCAward of MeritTillotson Design Associates + Suzan Tillotson, Vivie Chia Yu Lin, and Greg EmetazMixed Greens Galley
2006IESNYCAward of MeritCosentini Lighting Design + Fernando Soler and Stephen Marguiles111 South Wacker Drive
2006IESNYCAward of MeritBrandston Partnership + Scott Matthews and Molly McKnightTerminal 1 Lester B. Pearson International Airport
2006IESNYCAward of MeritHorton Lees Lighting Design + Barbara Clanci Horton, Stephen W. Lees, Chad Groshart, Robyn Mierzwa, Nam ChoiNational World War II Memorial
 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL