Displaying 651 - 660 of 816

 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL
1999IESNYCLumen CitationFisher Marantz Stone Inc. + Paul Marantz and Hank ForrestMIHO Museum - Exterior
2000IESNYCLumen CitationCooley Monato Studio + Renee CooleyNorton Residence
2000IESNYCLumen CitationARC Light Design + Minako Koyama, Ricardo Fernandez, Lili Ivansoska, David SingerNoodle Restaurant
2000IESNYCLumen CitationCosentini Lighting Design + Stephen Marguilles, Stephen Szynal, Fernando SolerW.W. Grainger Headquarters
2000IESNYCLumen CitationCLine Bettridge Bernstein Lighting Design + Stephen D. Bernstein50 Rockefeller Plaza Lobby
2000IESNYCLumen CitationFisher Marantz Renfro Stone Inc. + Barry Citrin, Richard RenfroNew York Public Library
2001IESNYCLumen CitationFisher Marantz Stone Inc.Conrad Shop & Gustavino's Restaurant at Bridgemarket
2001IESNYCLumen CitationGary Gordon LLCHouse for a Bachelor
2001IESNYCLumen CitationCline Bettridge Bernstein Lighting DesignRaleigh Durham Airport Parking Garage
2001IESNYCLumen CitationAnn Kale AssociatesSea Grill Restaurant
 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL