Displaying 671 - 680 of 816

 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL
2017IALD AwardsSpecial CitationWONDERFULIGHTChapelle Corneille, Regional Auditorium of Normandy
1994IESNYCLumen CitationCC Theater Design + Charles CoslerChapel of St. James Church
2003IESNYCLumen Award 2003SBLD StudioChangi Airport Station
2006IESNYCAward of MeritTanteri + Associates + Matthew TanteriChanel Giza
2010IESNYCAward of MeritFisher Marantz Stone Inc. + Paul Marantz, Michael Hemmenway, and Frank HollenkampChanel Encore
2003IESNYCLumen CitationAnn Kale AssociatesChanel Brompton Road
2020IESNYCAward of ExellenceDLR GroupChandler History Museum: Infinite Shadeiesnyc.org
2012IALD AwardsAward of MeritSmithGroup JJRChandler City Hall Exterior
2011IALD AwardsAward of ExcellenceThe Flaming BeaconCha Cha Thé
2019IALD AwardsMerit AwardSpeirs + Major; Mulvey & Banani Lighting Inc.CF Toronto Eaton Centre Bridge
 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL