Displaying 61 - 70 of 816

 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL
2000IESNYCLumen Award - EPRICosentini Lighting Design + Stephen Marguilles, Stephen SzynalUBS AG Headquarters
2017IALD AwardsAward of MeritBrandston Partnership Inc.U.S.A.F. Academy Center for Character + Leadership Development
2015IALD AwardsAward of MeritAvailable LightU.S. National Library Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom
2015Architectural LightingCommendable Achievement - Exhibition Lighting and Temporary InstallationsBDPU.K. Pavilion Milan Expo 2015
1974IESNYCLumen AwardBeyer, Blinder & Belle, Howard Brandston Lighting Design Inc, Langer & Police + Howard BrandstonTwo Trees Inc.
1989IESNYCLumen CitationCosentini + Herb SchlossbergTwo Logan Square
2012Architectural LightingOutstanding Achievement - Exterior LightingSpeirs + MajorTwin Sails Bridge
2019IESNYCCitation for Integrated Ceiling FeatureCline Bettridge Bernstein Lighting Design + Francesca Bettridge and Renata GalloTwin Brook Capital Partners Office
2020IESNYCAward of ExcellenceCooley Monato StudioTWA Hotel and Event Centeriesnyc.org
2020IESNYCAward of ExcellenceCooley Monato StudioTWA Hotel and Event Centeriesnyc.org
 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL