A Light + Building Interview with Andreas Schulz of Licht Kunst Licht AG

by | Mar 8, 2024 | News, Uncategorized

Andreas Schulz of Licht Kunst Licht AG

In a recent interview at the Light + Building event in Frankfurt, Randy Reid, editor of designing lighting (dl) Magazine, caught up with Andre Schulz of Licht Kunst Licht to delve into the latest trends and innovations at the show. Schulz shared insights from his team’s experience at the event, highlighting how different generations within his team were attracted to various products, demonstrating a diversity in perspective and interest.

Schulz expressed admiration for new outdoor lighting elements from Meyer Lighting, which incorporate new reflector technology to reduce glare—a significant concern in outdoor lighting. He also noted Bega Lighting’s innovative floor recessed luminaire designed for facade illumination, which can be individually controlled via an iPad, adding a digital and intelligent aspect to lighting design.

The conversation touched upon the competitive nature of the lighting design market in Europe, with Schulz pointing out the higher fee levels in Germany compared to other regions. The discussion also veered into sustainability and the circular economy, where Schulz emphasized the challenges manufacturers face in implementing sustainable practices, such as product take-back and recycling.

The interview also covered the topic of circadian entrainment and human-centric lighting, where Schulz highlighted the tension between energy efficiency and creating environments that support human circadian rhythms. He shared a case study of the Frankfurt Airport, which aims to use tunable white light to create a more comfortable environment for travelers, illustrating the practical application of lighting design principles in large-scale infrastructure.

Schulz concluded by emphasizing the importance of trade fairs like Light + Building for industry professionals to stay informed and connected, countering the notion that such events have become obsolete in the digital age.