Call for Submissions: Light! Design Expo

by | Apr 30, 2024 | News

Save the date for June 20, 2024, as Pier 27 on San Francisco’s Embarcadero hosts the IES San Francisco Section’s Light! Design Expo from 11:30 AM to 8:00 PM. They are currently seeking submissions for local lighting projects, providing a platform for designers and manufacturers to showcase their collaborative work.

Enjoy panoramic views of the San Francisco Bay while exploring the latest in lighting products and designs. With curated exhibits and seminars tailored for the Bay Area’s design community, this expo offers education, inspiration, and networking opportunities.

Over 1000 design professionals, including lighting designers, architects, and engineers, are expected to attend Light! Design Expo. Featuring accredited seminars, local food trucks, and a showcase of lighting projects, this event is the highlight of Northern California’s architectural lighting calendar. Don’t miss this chance to stay at the forefront of lighting innovation against the backdrop of San Francisco’s waterfront.

Click here to submit your projects by June 5.