An Interview with IALD President Andrea Hartranft

by | Jun 22, 2024 | News

An Interview with Andrea Hartranft, IALD President

Interview with IALD President Andrea Hartranft at Enlighten Europe

At the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) Enlighten Europe Conference, I conducted an interview with IALD President Andrea Hartranft to discuss the conference.

Watch below:

Andrea opened the discussion by expressing her excitement about the conference, which she felt was off to a fantastic start. “We just had an amazing, stimulating, and mind-blowing presentation by Dr. Marco Bevolo,” she remarked. Bevolo’s keynote focused on the transformative role of AI in lighting design, offering a glimpse into what lighting could become as AI technology evolves.

Dr. Marco Bevolo

Dr. Marco Bevolo

Financial Stability and Growth

Randy shifted the conversation towards financial stability, noting the challenges faced by other associations, such as the AIA in Washington, D.C. In response, Andrea shared the strategic decisions that have fortified IALD’s finances. She discussed the good decisions about money management, streamlined operations, and cut backs which has allowed IALD to avoid deeper financial issues.

IALD President Andrea Hartranft

IALD President Andrea Hartranft kicks off the IALD Enlighten Europe Conference.

Learning and Networking Opportunities

A major highlight of the conference was the “LERN” platform, which Andrea described as a tremendous opportunity for members to access vetted educational content. “LERN is a great way for members to find content that meets the necessary standards for proper lighting education,” she explained. The platform is structured with tiered subscriptions, allowing various contributors, including manufacturers and lighting designers, to submit content.

I asked her about “Cross Talk,” which fosters candid conversations between manufacturers and lighting designers. Andrea explained that manufacturers come with scripted programs to ask specific questions about products, trends, and other relevant topics. These round-table discussions allow lighting designers to provide feedback and share insights.”

Looking Ahead: San Diego Conference

The conversation concluded with comments about the upcoming conference in San Diego, scheduled for 17-19 October. Andrea was enthusiastic about the event, describing San Diego as a beautiful venue with perfect weather for the occasion.

Watch the full interview here.