Displaying 771 - 780 of 816

 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL
1990IESNYCLumen AwardFisher Marantz + Paul Marantz and Bill ShermanRoyalton Hotel
1990IESNYCLumen AwardTerry Chassman & Associates + Le Mar TerryHarriman Dispatch Center, Union Pacific Railroad
1990IESNYCLumen CitationWank, Adams, Salvin Architects + Harry SpringThe Elephant House, Bronx Zoo
1990IESNYCLumen CitationCosentini + Stephen, Marguiles, Herbert Schlossberg, David Facenda745 Fifth Avenue
1990IESNYCSpecial AchievementMatthew TanteriSaraS at the Socrates Museum Gallery
1989IESNYCLumen AwardCline Bettridge Bernstein Lighting Design + Carroll ClineInvestment Partnership
1989IESNYCLumen AwardMKA + Mark KrugerClub Zanzibar
1989IESNYCLumen CitationMKA + Mark KrugerAureole
1989IESNYCLumen CitationCosentini + Herb SchlossbergTwo Logan Square
1989GE CurrentGE EdisonFrank A. Florentine"Beyond the Limits: Flight Enters the Computer Age"
 Year Award Type Specific Award Company/Designer Project Website/URL